1. Introduction

posted : 2009.12.09

This is a maniscript of unpublished paper by Dr. Hiraku Matsueda.hiraku.jpg

In January 1951, I resigned my work at Keio University and transferred to Research Laboratory, Internal Medicine,Tokyo University by recommendation of Professor Kosaku Kakinuma. Then I started to attend a class of Precesicn Measurement, Applied Physics. It was rather rare to find a medical scientist with special interest and experience in the study of pure physics at that time.

Generally speaking, the medical science relied upon clinical study based on wide field of general science in those days. The clinical medicine used to have a tendency toward phenomenology or emperic study. However, due to the remarkable develop ent of modern physics, the medical scientists have recently found the necessity of systemic demonstration based on pure physics. In fact chemistry, an analytical science,mostly guantitative and qualitative, depends greatly on pure physics for the explanation and analysis lately.

For example take a clinical illustration, we often use a stupe to subside a swelling or to relieve the pain caused by a sprain, but we do not know its true scientific explanation as yet. we may be able to make
an assumption that there occurs an ionic exchange between the medicine and certain human solution through the semipermeable membrane called skin. In this case, adequate quantity is very important for application of the medicine to be effective, Only pasting the medicine on the skin is not correct; when we cover it with thin membrane such as polyethylene sheet, the result would be much better.

The human body might be considered somewhat like the sea water in which electric curren may flow between two or more metals of different potentials such as from copper to iron, from silver to magnesium , from gold to natrium, etc.